Thursday, April 10, 2014


Teori ini agak lebih kurang sama dengan apa yang telah saya maklumkan sehari selepas MH370 di laporkan hilang. Dan ia juga bertepatan dengan tempat di mana ia disimpan kerana "Tangan Ghaib" itu mahu meyeret apa yang sedang berlaku di Ukraine Russia. Oleh sebab itu, para perisiakan Russia juga dapat maklumat yang sama. Apa yg Pihak Risikan Russian kata bahawa MH370 itu berada di Satu Kawasan dan Selamat adalah AMAT Betul.... cuma tempatnya adalah tidak kena..............  Anwar mungkin Tahu dan Saya masih Menunggu PC beliau. Itu pun JIKA DIA ANAK JANTAN, bukan Penyundal....

 [ Jangan Lupa baca artikel dibawah yang saya petik dari Artikel Barat dan selidiki apa kaitan dgn MH370 ]


Sumber perisikan Rusia mendakwa MH370 yang dikatakan telah terhempas di Lautan Hindi sebenarnya telah dirampas dan dilarikan ke Afghanistan, berhampiran sempadan Pakistan.

Menurut akhbar The Sun, sumber yang rapat dengan FSB (badan perisikan Rusia) memberitahu akhbar negara itu; “Semua penumpang masih hidup, mereka telah dibahagikan kepada 7 kumpulan dan hidup dalam pondok tanah dengan hampir tiada makanan,”.

Kenyataan itu bagaimanapun belum dapat disahkan sepenuhnya. Kehilangan MH370 sejak 8 Mac bulan lalu adalah misteri terbesar dunia.

Kapal berkenaan hilang kira-kira sejam setelah berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pukul 12.41 tengah malam. Pesawat itu sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pada 6.30 pagi hari yang sama.

Misi pencarian membabitkan pelbagai negara digerak bagi menjejaki pesawat itu, mula-mula di Laut China Selatan dan kemudian di sepanjang dua koridor iaitu koridor utara menjangkau dari sempadan Kazakhstan dan Turkemistan ke utara Thailand dan koridor selatan, meliputi dari Indonesia ke selatan Lautan Hindi.

Susulan analisis yang belum pernah dibuat sebelum ini, satelit Inmarsat milik syarikat telekomunikasi United Kingdom dan AAIB merumuskan Penerbangan MH370 terbang di koridor selatan dan kedudukan terakhirnya ialah di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi ke barat Perth, Australia.

Pada 24 Mac, 17 hari selepas pesawat itu hilang, kerajaan Malaysia mengumumkan bahawa Penerbangan MH370 “berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi”.

Kawasan pencarian bagi pesawat MH370 kini ditumpukan ke satu kawasan kira-kira 1,100 kilometer ke barat Perth, Australia berdasarkan nasihat terkini kumpulan penyiasat antarabangsa.

Pada peringkat ini, kesemua 239 anak kapal dan krew dianggap telah meninggal dunia. -mynewshub


Baca Artikel dan selidiki serta fahami apa yang tersembunyi disebalik fakta Peristiwa itu berlaku dan bagaimana " Jalan cerita Yang diGunakan Dgn Peristiwa MH370.

The Libya Lie

The 2011 putsch in Libya will be remembered by history in two ways.  First, that it marked the usurpation and infiltration of the Arab Spring by Western & Gulf Cooperation Council intelligence agencies.  Second, and more egregiously, that it represented the takedown of Africa’s most modern and successful nation -known since 1977 to its people as Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

While history-challenged Illuminati-mouthpiece news anchors reveled in the revived caricature of “the madman Gaddafi”, their shill reporters regurgitated CIA psyops memos of phony “massacres and bombardments”.  The most telling item in their miniscule footage were the red, black and green flags being hoisted by the “rebels” of Benghazi- the flag of the monarchy of King Idris.  Soon a private central bank was formed.

Libya had been an Italian colony from 1911 until 1951, when King Idris was installed on the throne by the British.  He signed treaties with Britain (1953), the US (1954) and Italy (1956) which allowed those countries to establish military bases, including Wheelus Air Base near Tripoli.  Soon Exxon Mobil, British Petroleum and the Italian Agip were granted large oil concessions.

King Idris became highly unpopular as Libyans saw him selling their country out to foreign oil.  Protests were handled brutally so an underground rebellion sprouted which came to include many in the armed forces.  In 1969 a bloodless coup was carried out by a few dozen officers calling themselves “Free Officers” based on the model of Gamel Nasser in Egypt.  Nasser had led the rebellion that deposed Egyptian King Farouk in 1958.  The architect of the 1969 Libyan coup that ended the monarchy of King Idris was an army captain named Mohamar Gaddafii.
The new Republic of Libya adopted a green flag, symbolizing Gaddafi’s “Green Book”, which he penned to explain the uniquely Libyan economic model of anarcho-syndicalism.  It’s a very thoughtful book and I recommend reading it.
In 1970 Gaddafi forced the U.S. and British forces to evacuate their military bases.  The following year he nationalized the properties held by British Petroleum and forced other companies to pay the Libyan state a much higher share of the profits.

He also nationalized Libya’s central bank.  Libya was one of only five countries in the world whose central bank is not controlled by the Rothschild-led Eight Families banking syndicate.

Because of this drastic break from colonial usury Libya had one of the highest standards of living in all of Africa.  Average per capita income is $14,000/year.  Workers not only owned the factories they work in, they decided what that factory will produce.  Women enjoy equal rights.  While Illuminati media portray the Libyan state as highly centralized and omnipotent, nothing could be further from the truth.  The idea of anarcho-syndicalism is that the state eventually withers away.  And it has.  When Gaddafi says he has very little to do with running the day to day affairs of the nation, he means it.  The people run those affairs.  Power is highly dispersed.
Gaddafi was also on mark when he blamed the current Libyan unrest on al Qaeda and Western nations.  He was referring to the al Qaeda affiliate National Front for Salvation (NFS), which has long operated from bases in Chad in its attempts to overthrow Qaddafi.  NFS extremists are funded by Saudi Arabia and take marching orders from their CIA/MI6/Mossad handlers.  Western journalists are currently getting their hot news tips from NFS leaders.

Chad has long been an important country in Exxon’s North Africa oil production schemes.  In 1990, following a successful Libyan-backed counter-coup against the Chad government that was giving refuge to NFS, the US evacuated 350 NFS leaders to Kenya with Saudi financing.
During the 1980’s the madman Reagan bombed Qaddafi’s family home, killing many of his relatives after Western intelligence falsely pinned the bombing of a German discothèque on Qaddafi.

The Lockerbie Lie
(Excerpted from Chapter 11: Noriega of Panama: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)
On December 21, 1988 Pan Am Flight 103 blew up over Lockerbie, Scotland.  When President Bush was sworn into office a month later, he blamed the terrorist act on two Libyans- Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah.  Bush imposed sanctions on Libya.  President Bill Clinton later called for an international boycott of Libyan oil.  In 2000 the Libyans were convicted by a Scottish court set up in The Hague.  The evidence was flimsy.  Numerous independent investigations of the incident paint a much different picture.
Interfor, a New York City-based corporate intelligence firm hired by Pan Am’s insurance company found that a CIA cell in Frankfurt, Germany was protecting a Middle Eastern heroin smuggling operation which used Pan Am’s Frankfurt baggage service as a transshipment point for its smack.

Interfor pinpointed Syrian national Manzar al-Kassar as the head of the smuggling operation.  A separate investigation by Time magazine came to the exact same conclusion.  It went further, finding that al-Kassar was also part of a super-secret CIA cell code-named COREA.

Another group of CIA agents working to free the five CIA hostages held by William Buckley’s Hezbollah murderers, discovered that al-Kassar was allowed to continue smuggling heroin despite high-level CIA knowledge of his activities.  The Beirut hostage team had written and called CIA headquarters in Langley to file complaints about the al-Kassar ring.  They got no response.  So they decided to fly back to the US and inform their CIA bosses in person.  All six agents were on Pan Am 103 when it blew up.

Within an hour of the bombing CIA operatives arrived at the crash site wearing Pan Am uniforms. The agents removed a suitcase that belonged to one of the agents who died along with 269 others.  The suitcase most likely contained incriminating evidence regarding the involvement of both al-Kassar and the CIA’s COREA unit in the Syrian heroin smuggling ring.  It may also have contained a videotape of CIA Beirut Station Chief William Buckley’s confessions to his Hezbollah torturers, which could have further revealed CIA involvement in the Middle East drug trade.

Retired Air Force investigator Gene Wheaton thinks Colonel Charles McKee and the five other honorable CIA agents were the bomber’s primary targets.  Wheaton stated, “A couple of my old buddies in the Pentagon believe the Pan Am bombers were gunning for McKee’s hostage rescue team”.  Wheaton suspects CIA involvement in another plane crash that occurred shortly after the Pan Am bombing.  In that incident, 248 US soldiers returning from duty in Europe were killed when an Arrow Air military transport plane crashed near Gander, New Foundland.

Wheaton believes Arrow Air was a CIA airline and that the crash was related to a “covert operations deal gone bad” between the CIA and BCCI.  The day Arrow Air crashed two plainclothes men arrived on the scene and carried off a 70-pound duffle bag.  Wheaton thinks the bag was stuffed full of cash which BCCI had provided the CIA for a covert operation.  He thinks the CIA caused the crash to make it look to BCCI like the money burned, then arrived at the site to steal it, having wrapped it in fireproof material.  The CIA could then go to BCCI and shake them down again.  A short time later, BCCI/CIA relations soured.  CIA prepared to jump a sinking BCCI ship and stick the Third World poor with a Rothschild Bank of England shutdown.
The German Federal Police (BKA) raided a suspected terrorist safe house two months prior to the Lockerbie bombing.  They found a bomb identical to the one used on Flight 103.  All but one of the prisoners jailed after the raid were mysteriously released.  On the day of the bombing a BKA surveillance agent assigned to watch baggage noticed a different type of drug suitcase being used by al-Kassar’s people.  He informed his superiors who relayed the information to a CIA unit in Frankfurt.  Al-Kassar contacted the same CIA unit to them to let them know that McKee and the five other agents were flying home that day.  The CIA Frankfurt unit’s response to the BKA report was, “Don’t worry about it.  Don’t stop it.  Let it go.”

The US Embassy in Finland received a warning of a possible airline bombing for that day.  They shrugged it off despite another warning from the FAA.  A PBS Frontline investigation found evidence that the bomb was actually planted while Flight 103 stopped over at London’s Heathrow Airport.  A suitcase belonging to CIA agent Matthew Gannon, one of the five others on Colonel McKee’s team, was switched with bag at Heathrow.  Frontline believes Gannon’s suitcase may have contained information linking the Damascus-based COREA CIA cell with al-Kassar’s drug ring, so the suitcase was stolen and one containing the bomb was substituted for it.

According to the German newsweekly Stern, a Pan Am security official in Frankfurt was caught back-dating the critical warning which the FAA issued as soon as he received it.  Pan Am was fined $600,000 by the FAA after the bombing.  The agency cited lax security in Pan Am’s baggage handling operations.  According to the Interfor investigation these baggage operations were more than inept.  They had been taken over by al-Kassar.  In June 2007 Spanish police arrested al-Kassar for arms trafficking.

Pan Am has a long history of cozy relations with CIA.  Its international advisory board read like a Who’s Who in the Caribbean drugs for guns trade.  Members included Ronald Joseph Stark, the P-2 connected Brotherhood of Eternal Love LSD pusher; Sol Linowitz of Carl Lindner’s United Brands; Carter Secretary of State Cyrus Vance of the Lindner-controlled Gulf & Western Corporation; and Walter Sterling Surrey, OSS China hand who helped launch Guillermo Hernandez-Cartaya’s World Finance Corporation.

Both the US and Britain have engaged in a cover-up of the facts.  Columnist Jack Anderson reported a telephone conversation between President Bush Sr. and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher after the crash in which both agreed that the investigation should be limited, so as not to harm the nations’ intelligence communities.  Paul Hudson, an Albany, NY attorney who heads the group “Families of Pan Am 103/Lockerbie”, lost his 16-year-old daughter in the crash.  “It appears that the government either has the facts and is covering them up, or doesn’t know all the facts and doesn’t want to know”, says Hudson.  In April 1990, the group’s British counterpart “U.K. Families-Flight 103” sent angry letters to both Bush and Thatcher which cited, “entirely believable published accounts…Both of you have decided to deliberately downplay the evidence and string out the investigation until the case can be dismissed as ancient history.”

Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, one of the Libyans made patsy for the bombing, appealed his convictionin February 2002.  Central to his lawyer’s argument was new evidence that the baggage department at London Heathrow had been broken into the night before the bombing.

In 2010 the Libyans were suddenly released.  Rumors persist that their release was part of a BP oil deal with Libya.  Qaddafi made other overtures to the West.  But it was all for naught.  When you’re dealing with real madmen – as the Illuminati bankers certifiably are – concessions are rarely effective.  The Libyan people have lost the green flag that symbolized their revolutionary break from the bankster fold and have been returned to a life of colonialism, feudalism and monarchy.

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