“Never believe
anything in politics until it has been officially denied.” - Otto von Bismark
First published April 4, 2013 -
Saya secara peribadi memungkinkan bahawa MH370 di " SIMPAN " di UKRAINE atau di salah Negeri2 di bawah Kesatuan Ukraine, dan Crimea juga dahulunya di bwah UKRAINE, namun baru-baru ini rakyatnya mengundi untuk berpihak dan mahu terus di Bawah Kesatuan Russia.
Kenapa saya kata di UKRAINE, kerana UKRAINE lebih berpihak ke Blok Barat dengan pengaruh Kesatuan Blok Eropah...
Oleh itu, kenapa dibawah ke situ adalah kerana percaturan politik Yahudi, Blok Barat dan Amerika sendiri, mahu melihatkan bahawa betapa buruknya " perangai " Rusia dan rakan2nya terhadap keselamatan dan pengaruh Ketenteraan Russia yang gemar mencampuri Urusan dan Pentadbiran Negara2 lain di dunia ini. Sedangkan rata-rata sudah tahu siapa "Amerika dan Blok Barat" terhadap manipulasi urusan "Pecah & Perintah didalam "New World Order".

Peristiwa di Afghanistan akhir2 ini juga telah menjurus agar Amerika " angkat kaki dengan lebih cepat " memandangkan mereka juga tidak akan berjaya mengekang dan menakluki Afghanistan secara total. Kekuatan Tentera2 Islam, walaupun kekurangan senjata moden tetapi " Kuasa dan Pertolongan Allah" telah memberikan semangat juang yang tinggi kepada kumpulan manusia kerdil ini dapat menyaingi dan mengimbangi kekuasaan dan kerakusan tentera Amerika. Kerakuran tentera Amerika di Afghanista adalah semata-mata untuk " Menyamun Bahan Uraniam " untuk kegunaan pembuatan " Bom Bombastik Terkini " dan faktor ini juga menjadikan Amerika cukup sakit hati terhadap Iran.
Ingat Janji Allah, siapa yg mahukan Islam, akan kuberikan mereka kekayaan sumber dunia dan ia memang terbukti.... Lihat Brunei... bila laksanakan hukum Hudud, membuak-buak minyak di buminya dan menjadikan Negara Brunei lebih2 kaya sekarang. Perkara-Perkara inilah yang menjadikan Kaum Kafir & Yahudi ini terus-terusan memusuhi Islam dan dunia Islam dan asyik menggunakan tipu-daya Syaitan bagi mendapatkan segala bentuk Kekayaan Dunia ini dibawah kekuasaan mereka. Kerja-kerja Syaitan dan Yahudi laknatullah inilah juga yang mendorong kepada " Kehilangan Misteri MH370 " dan ia digunakan sebagai " Pentas Lakonan " yang termahal di dunia buat masa ini, kerana telah membabitkan 2/3 Negara di dunia amnya.
Adalah malang bagi Malaysia kerana " pentas lakonan " ini telah menjadikan Malaysia di antara Negara " Modus Operandi Mereka ", Namun dengan kekuatan dalaman kepimpinan Negara Malaysia yang sudah mahu kembali kepada Islam yang SYUMUL. maka Allah tetap membantu.
Saya juga yakin " dlm tempoh terdekat " ini, Allah akan tunjukkan kebenarannya. Cerita Kapal Berakhir di Lautan Hindi itu.. adalah cerita wayang untuk mengalihkan pandangan dunia, seperti jugalah yang mereka paparkan pada Septer 11.
Puncak Cerita disini, adalah telah menjadi " Keutamaan Bahawa Negara2 Islam WAJIB bersatu " dan jadikan Islam kuat dan terbilang untuk memimpin Dunia di akhir zaman dan memerangi DAJJAL yang sudah menjalankan modus operandi mereka.

Artikel ini
betul-betul membuka minda kita dgn apa
yang sedang berlaku dan perancangan seterusnya oleh Yahudi Amerika terhadap New World Order Project for the New
American Century.
Kiev moves light armour, artillery and assault troops to East Ukraine referendum cities
America dgn Blok Barat berpadu tenaga dan kuasa ketenteraan mereka yang serba canggih bagimengimbangi Kekuatan Blok Rusia, China dan Iran.
Pemodenan Blok Timur,
yang semakin perkasa dan turut ditakuti, kerana blok ini akan membantutkan
usaha-usaha Amerika dan blok Barat untuk mengawal kuasa politik, kuasa tentera,
kuasa sebaran media serta kuasa ekonomi yang akan memastikan blok mereka
sentiasa senang, kayu dan menjadi Blok Timur ini kuda tunggangan/ hamba abdi.
Mari kita selidiki ungkapan dan kata2
penulis ini terhadap apa yang di panggil “New World Order” – Project For New
American Centyry”
Has NATO become a security risk for
I have been pleasantly
surprised how quickly the revelation of NATO being a destabilizing
force and security threat to all the rest of us has traveled through the
Internet ether. This public relations blunder by the NATO crowd primarily
revolves around their thinking they can sell the world on the Russians being
the ‘aggressor’ in Ukraine.
[ Amerika dan Barat
beriya2 benar menyalahkan Putin & Russia terhadap apa yg berlaku di Ukraine,
sedangkan mereka yang punya angkara terhadap kekecohan di Ukraine ]
They underestimate our research ability to learn that when the
Soviet Union broke up and the East European states became independent, NATO’s
not rolling them into a military pact threat on Russia’s western flank was a
key part of the deal. But as soon as the ink was dry, the corrupt Western
leadership began planning to violate the agreements. The CIA and other European
Intel orgs have been active in the color revolutions, which were promoted under
the guise of “freedom and democracy” but were nothing more than broadening the
West’s hegemony to find more countries to loot.
[ Amerika dan Europe juga sudah lupa sekarang zaman “ Kebenaran akan
mengatasi kemungkaran ]
Russia was first on the list, where American business experts
descended upon the country like locusts to set up and rig their financial
markets and soon had the country in financial shambles. The puppets of choice
were the oligarchs, who after amassing fortunes in fire-sale national company
industries, diversified their profits into major media platforms to launch
their next attack to take over the political power in the country.
[ Lihat bagaimana
angkuhnya Amerika & blok barat terhadap Russia ]
The Russians finally
got wise to that hustle, and with Putin’s leadership they rode the oligarch
gangsters out of town on rails to soft landings in the US, London and Israel.
They then worked themselves back into better financial shape.
That was when NATO
chose to march eastward, hand in hand
with the IMF loan drug dealers, to subvert Eastern Europe with easy credit,
followed by foreclosure to get their hooks into them deeper to promote new
puppet leaders.
[ Alhamdulillah Syukur kpd Allah kerana Pada tahun 1988 – 2000, Perdana
Menteri Malaysia tidak melacurkan Negara kepada Kepimpinan Blok Barat, Amerika
& IMF… jika tidak lihat lah realitinya Negara2 yg telah termakan racun IMF
tersebut, sehingga kini masih papa kedana… Jika Anwar jd Pemimpin di ketika itu
sudah tentu Negara ini milik Amerika, Yahudi & Blok Barat.
Susur galor kehilangan MH370 sebenarnya “Beragenda” dan racangan
jahat serta licik Negara Blok Barat, Amerika dan Yahudi. Kenapa mrk berbuat
sedemikian ? Jawapnya, selain isu2 di atas tersebut, ia juga salah satu cara
Negara Amerika dan Blok Barat ini hendakkan Tun Mahathir… kerana hanya Tun Mahathir sahaja yang tinggal
dan masih hidup serta masih kuat pengaruhnya di Negara2 Arab, Negara2
berjunjung Tan?... Mereka mahukan nwaya Tun Mahathir.. itu sahaja… selagi ada
Tun Mahathir maka cita2 mereka tidak kesampaian. ..Ingat , pada tempuh
kejadian, bukankah Tun Mahathir yang bercakap dgn Presiden China? Kenapa?......
sila fahami……..
A major escalation
came with The Project for
the New American Century (PNAC), conceived and promoted by a key group of
Zionist American Jews who publicly called for the US to take advantage of
its “military superiority” to bring the rest of the world under its dual
economic and military control.
enjoying the good life of the 90′s… rising real estate markets and big stock
market paper profits, completely missed when our “defense policy” was changed
to enable pre-emptive strikes on any country the “might” became a “potential”
threat in the future. It was the signal for wanton aggression
themselves would not be spared domination and exploitation by these elites.
Plans were laid to loot America on a scale never imagined before, using New Age
tools and tactics which were quickly copied by the City of London and other
European banking capitols.
They successfully
looted their own countries through easy credit, nothing-down home loans,
upside-down car loans, and credit cards to anyone breathing… the old pump and
dump game, create a bubble and then a crash. People’s housing equity was made
easy to tap into to buy a $50,000 luxury truck that one did not really need, or
a house full of brand new furniture interest-free for a year. When the crash
came, life savings were not only lost, but many jobs were gone.
The unregulated derivatives traders got
squeezed out of the US and just moved over to Europe and did a good looting job
there, with Greece as their gold medal example — 300 billion Euros so far in
bailout costs. All eyes then turned eastward for greener pastures with
historically corrupt leaders and little experience in dealing with white collar
gangsters who robbed using banks and computers as their weapons of choice.
Has NATO grown into a security threat
to all of us now?
Along with loans and
development promises came the
muscle… NATO affiliation. The US wanted its missile shield moved closer to
Russia, an obvious aggressive move which Russia had done nothing to encourage. The
phony Iran nuclear scare was a psyop dreamed up as a cover that the missiles
were to defend against an Iranian nuclear attack against Europe. In retrospect,
it is shocking that people not only bought the scam at the time, but they have
not hanged all those involved in selling it to them.
Forward NATO marched, mostly fueled by the
American taxpayer, which made the European countries only too happy to ride the
train with their discounted tickets. NATO was primarily only a threat to those
who could not defend themselves. Just the NATO air campaign on Libya emptied
their warehouses of key munitions like Tomahawk missiles used by the subs.
had to pick up the bill once again at the end. And when Richard Gates tried to
get the NATO countries to restock at higher levels, they demurred. Their
thinking was, why have their people pay, because if there were a shortage
again, the Americans would have to cover it?
Russia, China, and Iran
watched and learned, and then
poured money into new-generation missile technology to defend against the
expensive platform weapons systems of the West. Because the East was totally on
defense, they were able to gain the defensive advantage. They now have
satellites that can see stealth planes via the air disturbances they leave
behind and new missile propellants that give a pilot only two or three seconds
to live once he hears the first radar beep that he’s being tracked.
The US initiated their Asia Pivot to threaten
China’s energy supply lines, while NATO was tasked with moving Eastward to the
Russian frontier, continuing the conquest of color revolutions. Add in some
extremist head-chopping Jihadis, and you have a multi-pronged destabilization
program that used proxy forces to absorb the casualty figures… no free college,
no lifetime healthcare or retirement.
This brings us to the Ukraine post-coup period with the West and
NATO now sitting with egg on their faces. The whole world knows a Western
puppet government sits in Kiev as the result of a violent takeover, which was
sanctioned and funded by the West to counter Putin’s financial lifeline that he
had thrown to Ukraine.
The Crimeans were not
about to have an illegal coup
backed by western intriguers become their new masters, and they shocked the
world, quickly voting with a 97% margin to keep their freedom by joining the
Russian Federation. Putin is not burying them under loans, but pouring cash
into the country to make it energy independent and a world class tourist
destination. The 89% of Crimean military who went over to the Russians got a
400 to 500% pay raise.
With egg already on their face, the NATO
musketeers chose to add some cow poop to their shoes. They began this
ridiculous PR campaign to re-spin the Crimea secession as a “Russian invasion.”
Did they think we would forget about that 97% referendum number within a week…
that we were that stupid?
Military observers from eight nations watched the Russian military
maneuvers and reported seeing no invasion preparations. Then up steps NATO
commander American General Breedlove hyping a Russian blitzkrieg that could
sweep across Ukraine and into Moldova in three days. But the next day we have
reports of Russian units moving away from the border as their exercises wrapped
Then NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh
Rasmussen makes a fool of himself threatening “far reaching consequences” if
Russia were to “intervene further” in Ukraine. He has the gall to say this,
when we all know the West has put the coup-meister puppets in place to enforce
the IMF’s debt-fix by making the Ukrainians slaves of the New World Order. A
curtain of impoverished darkness that is about to descend upon them… but not in
“Oh John, let’s do another war
Western leaders are
reduced to childish name calling, with John McCain and Hillary
Clinton playing their “Hitler smear card” on Putin. The German foreign minister
joins in the chorus with his “silly” comparison with Hitler’s 1938 takeover of
the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia.
Of course our
Congressional NeoCon mobsters and AIPAC puppets are competing for what appears
to be some kind of contest on who can say the most hysterical things about
Putin and Russia. They disgrace the institution. Ex-Senator Rick Santorum joins
the fools’ parade with his New York Times op-ed, where he put the Hitler smear
on Putin and Iran in the same article. Is Santorum going to run for President?
You bet he’s after Shelley Adelson’s millions for that.
[ Obama has to visit Saudi Arabia to get the "Arab consent" on what the "Western" plan for The New World Order..... ]
We expect this
silliness from political fools, but expect better from the military
brass. But we see political corruption seeping into their ranks, as they pander
to post-retirement powers who have a track record of introducing cooperative
high ranking generals to the world of the 2, 3, 4 million dollar a year
incomes, the “differed bribery” program.
Yes, there will be
“far reaching consequences” as Mr. Rasmussen has said… but for the real
planners and perpetrators of the Western aggression on Ukraine. The West will
stand in the dock for the murders of the 100 killed on the Maidan.
The rest of us must see that suitable punishment is applied
where it has really been earned on our own embarrassing leadership. Only then
can we regain some respect for ourselves, and sleep safer.