Mari kita imbas kembali bhw setiap Bulan Ramadan Negara Yahudi ini sering membuat huru-hara dengan menyerang Gaza dan Palestin. Mereka dengan angkuh telah mengebom dan menembak manusia dan harta benda dengan sesuka hati tanpa rasa belas kasihan. Yahudi/Israel ini cuma menganggap dirinya sahaja manusia dan yang lain di bumi arab itu haiwan.
Sebab itulah juga Yahudi laknatullah ini tanpa belas kasihan ingin menghancurkan Manusia Palestin ini dengan apa cara sekalipun. sehingga bekalan ubat-ubatan pun disekat dan dan dirampas.... Ini diburukkan lagi dengan sikap sambil lewa Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu dan juga Liga Arab dari menangani masalah tersebut dengan sewajarnya, yg tunduk dengan "paksaan" Amerika.
Peristiwa MH17 juga dipercayai adalah dari rancangan mereka kerana pada hari MH17 didapati terhempas diwaktu yg sama mereka memulakan gerakan memusnahkan Gaza dan Palestin. Mrk berbuat sedemikian agar Masyarakat Antarabangsa terleka akan kejahatan yg telah mereka lakukan di Palestin. Mereka cukup licik dengan menarik Rusia masuk dlm kancah geo politik ini. Namun, PM Najib cukup berhati2 dgn keadaan ini dgn tidak menyalahkan sesiapa dari peristiwa MH17 sehingga dapat dipastikan siapa pelakunya.
Dan, apa yg telah berlaku kelmarin bahawa riak-riak siapa pelakunya sudah mula terurai, contohnya;-
a) Vedia dan gambar Jet Pejuang Ukraine didapati terbang rapat dgn MH17, dan saya juga mengharapkan Kotak Hitam punyai rakaman tersebut.
b) Hari ini Perdana Menteri Ukraine telah meletak jawatan dan menjadikan Ukraine yg disokong oleh Amerika dan Barat sudah mula goyah.. Inilah Kebesaran Allah.. perkara yg licik dan jahat akan terurai jua..
Fakta2 menarik
mengenai Israel:
1) Bangsa yahudi adalh bersaudara dgn bangsa arab. Yahudi adlh dr keturunan nabi ishaq/isaac a.s. dan arab adlh dr keturunsn nabi ismail/ishmael a.s. Kedua2nya adlah anak kpd nabi Ibrahim/abraham a.s. Justeru kedua2 yahudi dan arab adlh semitik.
2) Bangsa yahudi meninggalkan sepanyol/spain ketika kejatuhan kerajaan islam Andalusia pd thn 1492 krn sekian lamanya yahudi mndapat perlindungn dr kaum muslimin & bukannya kaum kristian.
3) Lebih 80% immigran yahudi di Israel bukanlh keturunan yahudi yg asal di Palestine. Mereka adlh kaum ashkenazi atau khazar iaitu satu bangsa germanic caucasian yg mmeluk agama yahudi pada abad ke7 AD (refer wikipedia). Yahudi yg asal dipanggil sephardic yg hidup bersama muslimin arab di Iberia dan mizrahi yg hidup di bumi2 arab spt yemen. Kebanyakn mizrahi telah mmeluk Islam dan mnjadi penduduk Palestine. Yahudi Ashkenazi adlh yahudi jadi2an yg tiada kaitan dan hak ke atas palestine/jerusalem. Jika dilihat fizikal dan figur mereka tidak kelihatan semitik spt bermata hitam dan berambut hitam tp mereka kbanyaknnya bermata biru dan berambut blonde. Lebih kpd european look. Namun mereka yg lebih2 mnuntut kononnya berhak ke atas jerusalem sedangkn asal mereka adlh dr eropah timur dan rusia.
4) bangsa yahudi telah ditindas sekian lama spt peristiwa holocaust di eropah dan 'pogrom' di rusia. Namun yahudi mndapat layanan saksama di bawah kerajaan2 arab spt abbasyd dan umayyad malah dilantik sbg menteri dan diberi kebebasan beragama. Di bawah turki ottoman, yahudi beribadat dgn aman bersama muslimin di kota jerusalem.
5) yahudi dan zionist adlh jauh berbeza. Yahudi adlh ummat beragama spt juga Islam dan kristian. Namun zionism adlh fahaman sekular yg bersifat ultra-nationalism yg invasive dan bertentangan dgn ajaran agama2 abrahamic. Pengasas zionism iaitu theodore hertzl di akhir hayatnya telah mminta agar perampasan bumi palestin dihentikan namun sudah terlewat.
What is Gaza?
Before you guys make any opinions about the conflict in Israel and Gaza. pls check these facts and figures:
1. Gaza was invaded by Israel in 1967 & ever since Israel is illegally occupying the whole of the Gaza strip.
2. Gaza is surrounded on three sides by Israel who has blocked all these three sides by Israeli army & Navy.
One side is border of Egypt where the Egyptian army along with Israeli & UN observers & monitors blocks the entry of any body from/to Gaza.
Gaza is literally huge prison where not even a bird can enter without Israel’s permission.
3. Gaza has no sea port or airport or even a train station.
4. Gaza residents cannot leave Gaza as they don’t even have passports. Plus there are Israeli checkpoints at every place. Also no one from any country can enter Gaza without Israel’s permission which is impossible to get , forget about ordinary man even the top politicians of powerful countries had been denied entry in Gaza by Israel. Gaza is a place which is totally cutoff from the rest of the world.
5. Each and every daily use commodities comes through these Israeli check points. Even the milk, wheat medicines all items come through these Israeli check points. Israel charge taxes on all the items witch goes through these check points.
6. Gaza is like a big jail. It is entire country under seize. Even inside Gaza Israel have several check posts at important junctions. The Israeli army harasses and humiliates Gaza citizens every day as the Gaza citizens cross these check posts.
7. The UN has urged Israel numerous times to remove this illegal seizure of Gaza but Israel never listen to UN .
More than 50 resolutions have been passed by UN against Israel but with USA always on its side so Israel just doesn’t care.
8. The food and essentials are always in short supply in Gaza as Israel delays, discourages and harass its imports in Gaza. Shops don’t have enough rations, hospitals don’t have enough and essential medicines. Power is in short supply, petrol and gas is in shortage too. The inflation is highest in the world in Gaza as a result of it. The poverty is rising at the highest rate also. The Gaza children’s are among the worst malnutrition children now.
9. There are no specialized doctors or equipments to treat the serious injury or disease in any hospitals. Every now and then Israeli army bomb Gaza and the innocent civilians get hurt during bombing. These wounded civilians plead and beg in the check points to let them out for treatment but they kind Israeli army never let them. So the wounds which could have been treated become more severe and often the wounded becomes handicapped for the rest of their lives.
10. Once a thriving society and rich people now have become beggars & prisoners in their own country. Can you imagine the trauma the humiliation the harassment the pain in the hearts of these people who have been invaded and made prisoners and slaves in their own country?
They have been struggling for their independence since almost 50 years now. With each passing day Israel is constructing new settlements for its Israeli citizens in their land. With each passing day their hope of independence, a hope to live a normal life like any other human is fading away. Every night they sleep in pain and every morning they wake up with sorrows.
In the pretext of peace talks Israel actually is delaying their independence to capture more and more of their land everyday by constructing new Israeli homes and settlements. The Palestinians know this and they are watching it helplessly. Just like a goat watch the lion eat its children but can do nothing. They are shedding tears of blood. With Israeli soldiers harassing them , cursing them, abusing them mocking them, hurting them , killing them everyday in their very own land, all Palestinians can do is watch and cry.
What suggestions do you have now? The western paid media is making & broadcasting news in such a manner that one should feel as if Gaza residence are the one who are occupying Israel and Israel is fighting for the freedom of its citizen. So that people can only curse and blame Gaza residents.
Can you try to feel their misery and helplessness? We cannot even imagine spending even one day in the jail called Gaza and they are living there everyday..subhanallah.